Sunday, January 27, 2008

Where did January Go?

After Sharon' s long hospital stay, followed by the madness of December and Christmas, we were happy to have a relativley relaxed January, or as relaxed as you can with a few week old child. George has been going present cold turkey, given the slew he had during most of December, both for Christmas and also for being a big brother. Jennifer has been growing and growing and sleeping fairly well. George has quickly learned how to be careful around her, rather than a bumbling oaf with all limbs flying. Still, it is wonderful to see how affectionate he is towards her and genuinely caring, rather than stabbing her eyes out as I was lead to believe would be more normal. Alison (pic, with Jennifer), Rob and the girls came over yesterday and then went home again, as Chloe had to go to A&E about her eye, which turned out to be impetigo. So, they all went home again, as that is pretty infectious and not a good thing for little babies to get. Last weekend, I went to Nottingham and survived my mate Andy P's stag do. We're off to Turkey next month for the wedding, so that will be Jenifer's first trip overseas (George's was a trip on the ferry to Holland!).


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