Sunday, November 18, 2007

Countdown continues..

Sharon remains in hospital, but if nothing happens naturally, then baby will be delivered at the end of the month by c-section, so at least the end is in sight for her hospital stay, which has been 4 weeks today. Sharon spent a night at home last night. This was George's second night in his new bedroom and proper bed. He'd been pushing the boundaries all day, so he tested daddy to the limit by continually getting out of bed. About once a week it gets to the stage where I am just dog tired and yesterday was my dog tired day, so I was in bed by 8.30pm I think. Mother is staying at the moment, downstairs doing some ironing before I go upstairs to sort out our bedroom (bombsite as George took over one of my wardrobes) and study (bombsite of post and other bits). George now has a nanny 3 days a week up to Christmas and then goes to another nanny in the next village for 2 days a week. He's been very good humoured about it all, so we must be thankful for that. When I will do my Christmas shopping I just don't know....


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