Wednesday, October 31, 2007

This week can only be better

Sunday before last, Sharon exclaimed at 3.30am that the baby may be coming, 8 weeks early, as her waters broke. I'd just pulled the duvet cover over my head as the light was on, so that got me out of bed in no time at all. It was a worrying few hours whilst we waited to know what was going on, but appeared that nothing more was happening. After getting different stories over the past week, she's now been told she has to be in there until it arrives, owing to this and another risk factor which requires them to treat her as soon as she goes into labour. At least we know where we stand now, so at least dealing with that and organising child-care etc. And we were also broken into Monday last week, just the upstairs and mostly jewelery taken. Timing not brilliant, but when it is ever. Anyway, that's the update. Time more precious than ever at this point for me...........


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