Thursday, December 13, 2007

More sleepless nights...

Ironically, it has been George who has been giving us (especially me) sleepless nights over the past week, rather than Jennifer. He’s caught some virus that appears to have been dong the rounds of the area which knocked him for six. He went 5 days of barely eating anything and having some rather sleepless nights as he was overcome by fevery spells. The poor thing is recovering now. I’m on my way back from Sweden as I write, where I went for a night with work. A well timed lorry fire on the M25 at 5.30am meant that I missed my flight out and spent most of them morning at Heathrow and we had a 90 minute delay on the way back. We had the Stockholm office party in the evening, followed by a private performance by some band who are pretty big in the Swedish music scene. I took the opportunity to catch up on some much needed sleep; sleeping for most of the flight out and getting to bed by a respectable midnight to catch 7 hours of blissful, uninterrupted sleep. The madness of the past 8 weeks means that I have managed to do absolutely no Christmas shopping whatsoever and unfortunately, Stockholm airport did not have much to get me kick started. Meanwhile, Jennifer is so far proving to be a delight on the sleeping front and is noticeably growing already, having already growth out of some of her sleep-suits.


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