Monday, October 01, 2007

Something to do on Sunday 4th November

My string quartet is now on the approach path to our concert on Sunday 4th November. More details can be found here. We are doing the concert to raise funds for the church in my village, but we are also doing it for our own personal enjoyment. Far more challenging than playing at a wedding. This Saturday, we were fortunate enough to have some coaching from a member of one of the best known professional quartets in the country, namely the Maggni quartet. Martin, the voila player, sat with us for nearly 3 hours and coached us through the Dvorak American quartet. Lots of constructive advice... and one of the first things we learnt was the difficulties in playing F Major in a quartet, something that I would have never have known about. Anyway, it's far too complicated to explain, but fascinating nonetheless. We are also playing some Mozart (always harder than it sounds in my book) and Barber's Adagio, a decision we may come to regret but there you go. We met Martin again the next day at the Harvest festival service in the next village (where he lives) and he seemed to genuinely enjoy the session and said he would be happy to do another one with us. Anyway, come to the concert!!!! Finally, I've put some photos from France here after discovering them on an extra memory chip in our camera.


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