Saturday, August 18, 2007

George is two... and 2 weeks

Because Daddy has taken so long to getting round to updating this blog, George is now 2 years and 2 weeks old. George had a great birthday party, with around fifeteen of this little friends (and luckily their parents) coming round for a garden party and for once, the weather was beautiful. This made up for his 1st birthday party, which had to be cancelled owing to the fact that we were all ill with some bug. Having fifeteen kids over made having George's cousins staying with us for the following weekend (sans parents) a doddle in comparision. Furthermore, they were on their best behaviour whilst George was creating havoc by jumping them at every opportunity. After what can only be described as a very long and stressful week at work, we are hopefully set up for a relaxing weekend, with George going to show daddy how good he has become at swimming now. Then two-thirds of the Godparents (Jo and also Paul) are coming over for lunch on Sunday. I am sat here looking at Gordon Ramsey's book, but I will certainly be going to my friend the other George to see how to make a cheese sauce. I just wathced the beauty treatment one..... Haven't laughed so much in ages!!!


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