Monday, August 27, 2007

Little Boy in Big Shoes!

George seems to have a fascination with wearing his mummy and daddy's shoes! Doesn't he look cute!
Today is Bank Holiday Monday and we have just arrived back from swimming. George loves swimming so I take him once or twice a week and Simon swims with him at weekends when he can. Been a busy few weeks, as always, trying to get the new playroom in shape and thinking about starting George's new bedroom as his will be needed for Smith No.2 before we know it. I am growing bigger by the week (now only 15 weeks to go!) so we need to get thinks moving fast....
Not sure if Simon mentioned it in his recent blogs but we have now won (!) our appeal to get the full extension done which is fantastic news. It means we can make all our bedrooms doubles and have a lovely balcony off our room. Given the baby situation the work won't start for a year or two but getting it approved is great news.
As I write this George is helping Daddy mow the lawn.....Bless!


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