Friday, December 28, 2007

That was Christmas that was

We are back home having spent Christmas with my brother and his family in Swindon. Of course, George was far more excited this year than last and got enough presents to last him well into the new year. He got quite a few DVD films, so I am currently sat here watching Toy Story 2, which is far superior to some of the crap that is on CBeebies. I spent 1 day at work yesterday. Pre-family, I used to like working in-between Christmas and New Year. The roads are quiet and London is quite empty, apart from lost tourists. The mild weather and lack of rain also meant I was able to ride my motorbike in. Ordinarily, it's just not worth riding in during the winter for a multidude of reasons. I spent years on my push bike riding to work in London, so I've done my time on that front. Immediate plans for the new year are a wedding in Turkey in February. I am also selling my Smart car (if anyone is interested).

Thursday, December 13, 2007

More sleepless nights...

Ironically, it has been George who has been giving us (especially me) sleepless nights over the past week, rather than Jennifer. He’s caught some virus that appears to have been dong the rounds of the area which knocked him for six. He went 5 days of barely eating anything and having some rather sleepless nights as he was overcome by fevery spells. The poor thing is recovering now. I’m on my way back from Sweden as I write, where I went for a night with work. A well timed lorry fire on the M25 at 5.30am meant that I missed my flight out and spent most of them morning at Heathrow and we had a 90 minute delay on the way back. We had the Stockholm office party in the evening, followed by a private performance by some band who are pretty big in the Swedish music scene. I took the opportunity to catch up on some much needed sleep; sleeping for most of the flight out and getting to bed by a respectable midnight to catch 7 hours of blissful, uninterrupted sleep. The madness of the past 8 weeks means that I have managed to do absolutely no Christmas shopping whatsoever and unfortunately, Stockholm airport did not have much to get me kick started. Meanwhile, Jennifer is so far proving to be a delight on the sleeping front and is noticeably growing already, having already growth out of some of her sleep-suits.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Jennifer Lily Arrives!

At last my hospital stay is over and it was all worth the wait now that Jennifer is here. She managed to stay put until the planned C Section date on Thursday 29th November which was a relief. I was totally convinced a boy was on the way and was overjoyed when I saw a little girl pass by the screen in the operating theatre.

Only the night before we had been fretting that we still did not have a definate boys name we could both agree on but a girl was a different matter. We had decided early on that a girl would be named after my mum, Jennifer, who was my age when she lost the fight against breast cancer back in 1979. My sister Alison was so overwhelmed she couldn't wait the planned 2 weeks for a visit and drove down from Norfolk with Rob on the Friday eveninng for a quick cuddle with her new niece before driving back the same evening.

It is wonderful to be home after so many weeks away from my boys and I am enjoying every minute. George is understandably very cuddly at the moment (and testing the boundaries!) as we settle into our life as a family of four.

Simon has been totally amazing these past weeks as he has juggled work with George and keeping me in clean clothes and food at the hospital! Situations like these make you realise how lucky you are in life and I really do know how lucky I am. Thanks to all those who helped our family in so many ways during the past weeks. Without your help it would have been infinitely more difficult to cope.

As I write this Jennifer is having a cuddle with her daddy.....sweet. x