Saturday, October 04, 2008

Apologies for the break in service

Well, finally an update. No excuses for the lack, apart from too much to do and too little time. I've managed to put up some photos here. If this link doesn't work, I'll correct it soon. We've been home from holiday a couple of week now and most of the pics are of that. We had 5 days here, which George really enjoyed because there were lots of other kids there, together with an indoor play centre. The weather was so-so during this time, but that didn't bother us. We just wandered around, went to see the Acquarium in Newquay and went on a steam train ride in Bodmin. We also saw the Funchal 500 Tall Ships in Falmouth ahead of the race. Ships from all around the world and crazy people climbing all the way up the masts.

We spent the next 9 nights here. It should have been seven, but we were enjoying it so much and the weather was getting better and better, so we did an extra couple of days. We had the help of Alex for this week, which meant some lie ins and not quite so much running around. George jumped into bed with here pretty much every night.... do it whilst you can get away with it my son is what I told him. We ate at Rick Steins Seafood Place in Padstow (disappointing) and then Jamie Oliver's Fifteen in Watergate Bay, which I have to say was excellent. The restaurant is right on the beach, so the views are pretty amazing out to sea and along the cost. George and I also cycled from Weybridge to Padstow and back on one of the last and very sunny days... although he just sat on the back and took in the view.

Lucy is also in the pics. She stayed with us for a night on her travels around Britain (she was over from Oz). Lucy and I also went to a Prom concert in the Albert Hall, which was the only one I managed this year. Finally, we had a nice flood of sewage upon our return from holiday, all the way down the side of the house and in the basement utility room as well. So still dealing with the aftermath of that.

Apologies for typos... to be corrected at some point...!


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