Friday, January 09, 2009

George at School

George is not that good at having his photo taken. He either smiles so hard his eyes are shut, or just looks totally sullen. Nautrally, the photo here is of the latter variety. Despite appearances, George was very happy with his first week at pre-school (5 mornings a week) and didn't want to know mummy as soon as he had walked through the door. He's settled in well and enjoying it. He is the gregarious one, always chatting to people and having fun. I think Jennifer is going to be a bit more reserved. Nevertheless, she is such a happy and contented baby and learning new tricks every day. George remains totally involved with her and loves her dearly, which is always great to see. Otherwise, I am practising hard for my quartet concert later in the month ( and also coming to terms with being Treasurer for the church, so have plenty of learning and sums to do as I try and get up to speed. At the same time, we've been thinking a lot about our friend Jo who lost her father this week and my friend George, whose sister was found after 6 weeks and is now at peace.


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