Monday, April 02, 2007

A total surprise!

After 10 months of hearing nothing further on my bike accident (see here), then I was long resigned to the fact that I was to blame and that my 3 years no claims bonus was lost. I just thought that the insurance company could not be bothered to pursue anything for the modest cost involved. So, imagine my surprise when I received a cheque in the post Saturday reimbursing my excess. I called them today and they confirmed that the other side had paid out in full. So, that also means the insurance on my current bike will fall. I always put the blame 50:50, given that with fairly drastic action on my part, I could have prevented it, but I guess one can be too hard on oneself, especially when biking is all about defensive (i.e. anticipatory) riding. Not ever thinking I would be claiming on the other side, I never put in any claim for clothing etc., but at least the excess will cover the new boots that I need as one of them is now very uncomfortable to walk on, the sole being bent from the full weight of the bike.


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