Friday, April 20, 2007


Back from a fantastic 4 days up in Scotland to put the new bike through its paces over 1152 miles of tarmac. We left at 7am and and arrived at Loch Lomond at 3.30pm, having used the first day to eat miles and get there. The weather was fantastic, with sun and blue skies. The second day was by far the best 140 miles I had ever done on a motorbike. The ride from Loch Lomond to Fort William goes through the most beautiful scenery in the British Isles; mountains all around and Lochs below. After lunch at the top of the cable car on the Nevis range, we rode the length of Loch Ness to Inverness. The twisty roads alongside the loch with minimal traffic really allowed me to concentrate on riding the bike and really getting to know it. Day 3 was down to Jedburgh, near the Scottish border. The highlight was Loch Tay, with no cars in front of me for the entire length. I also saw a red squirrel, this being one of the few places in the British Isles where they still exist. The final day had a great 50 miles over the border and through the Northumberland National Park before it was dual carriageway and motorway to home. The pics are here. Also decided we should definitely all go up there for a week sometime next year.


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