Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Domestic chaos

The day after I returned from Scotland, the kitchen was ripped out and domestic chaos has reigned supreme thereafter. There were 2 doors from the kitchen onto the patio, which was a bit crazy for the size of the room, so one was turned into a window and the other was turned into a double patio door. We also filled in the door from the kitchen into the soon-to-be playroom. The kitchen will be the other end of the rooms to where it was, so the eating area now overlooks the garden/views through the afore-mentioned patio window. The kitchen floor has been tiled, but the hallway/downstairs loo is on hold as the floor boards need replacing, so walking on floorboards there right now. The kitchen fitters arrived today, so hopefully sometime next week it will all be done. I spent a good deal of the Bank Holiday weekend painting numerous coats of white emulsion on the freshly plastered walls and ceiling, the latter fitted with some rather cool energy saving spots, which give out lots of light and v. little heat. Sharon was in Paris weekend before last and did intend to write about it on here, but just been too busy.


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