Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ok ok, I'll do it then

Sharon keeps threatening to update this blog, but understandably a lot of other things get in the way, so it's down to me, if I can see beyond the pen marks (don't come off) that George decided to put on our nice monitor. From the dull, illness strewn days of January has emerged a frenzy of activity in the Smith household. Project kitchen is in full swing, which currently involves pulling together a plethora of different tradesmen and booking out their time for April/May. We are resolved to being without kitchen for 4 weeks, given the moving of external doors, blocking internal doors and loads of other stuff that is involved. Our current kitchen is falling to pieces (been without freezer for at least 4 months now), so glad that things are finally moving. We had a lovely night away at Congham Hall earlier in the month, which was where we had our wedding reception. Sharon managed to make it a surprise (for me) and George stayed with Sharon's sister. Right on cue, he decided to wake up at 5.15am, so don't quite know who's side he's on. The new motorbike arrives next week and the 'running in' trip to Scotland (c. 800 miles) is planned for mid-April. Sharon is going away to Paris after that for a girly weekend without the boy, which seems only fair in the circumstances. Oh yeah I also decided to use the services of the lovely image consultant that Sharon had in November last year, who helped her with colour and her wardrobe. Fair to say, there's not a lot left in my wardrobe now. I still can't quite believe I have taken a day off for next week to go shopping with a woman (not wife or mother, both of whom can't stand shopping with me), but there you go. I am sure it will be worth it. The next update will be rather soon and no doubt a picture of the bike... 'Get your motor running....'


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