Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Wave of Apathy

Day of apathy today, but the first in a long time. Been on a blitz of organisational zeal recently, so getting loads done at work and beyond. After the snow of Sweden, I was in the sunshine of Washington a couple of weeks ago for a day of meetings just after the mid-terms. It was a great day, meeting some top people at the IMF, Fed, Treasury and others. I just got over a bug before I went over (which George was still toying with), which Sharon got just as I got back, so our planned trip to Gloucester was delayed a week (went this weekend instead). Sharon is looking great in all her new clothes after being done over (see below) and apparently I am next (yikes). As for this week, I arranged drinks with some ex-colleagues from MMS for Thursday which has grown to about 25+, so that should be fun. Sharon's sister Alison is coming over on Saturday and then I disappear for the annual dinner in London with the London Old Cryptians Club, of which I am secretary. Then Sunday we are going to do a recording with our quartet in the church in our village. Hopefully we will then put a few clips on the website. Oh, and we had some great pics of Geroge done by our photographer friend... I tried to put them up a week ago, but process failed. I will try again soon, but could be some time as I have a couple of other modifications to do to other websites which have to take priority. Not enough hours in the days at present, but remarkably I am very unstressed about it all.


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