Monday, February 05, 2007

So Where Did January Go?

Apologies for the lack of updates, but health and thereafter BT (cut off broadband when unsuccessfully repairing phone line) got the better of us. We were all suffering in January, with colds, flu, conjunctivitis and some bronchitis as well. This made for a rather subdued month during which we were unable to stray very far from home. Still, we managed to organise much impending chaos for the coming year, with the kitchen to have a major overhaul in May which will put that room out of action for four weeks. Can see us putting on weight with take-aways and microwave meals. I also had a promising meeting with the planning office, so there is hope on that front where before there was a brick wall. George and I spent the weekend just gone in Gloucester, catching up with family and friends. Anyway, more frequent updates and more exciting news I hope in the coming weeks.


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