Friday, May 30, 2008

Pics... lots of them

Well, you know how it is. Nothing for ages then loads at once, at least in terms of photos. Mikaela did these shots some 5-6 weeks ago, but just got the link here. There are none of the four of us because co-ordinating both kids together proved to be too much, at least in terms of getting decent results. She's coming over this Sunday to try again, so when there are some more on the link, we'll post it again. Otherwise, life is just ticking along, with Jennifer eating proper food for England and George becoming more of a little boy by the day and (fingers crossed) coming out from the dark side of the terribel twos. I'm off to Washington this week for a raft of meetings with the great and the good over there, including catching up with a couple of old friends. Then we're off to the Cotswolds after than, which we are all looking forward to, not least because the hotel has great child-care facilities, not to mention spa & gym.


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