Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Poor service

Apologies for lack of updates.... just the usual too much to do, too little time. More recently also George getting up incredibly early and making us very tired. May have to tie him to the bed or blockade his bedroom door. George went back to school today. He's doing 2 mornings a week at a school in the next village. He really enjoys it. He's also doing football one afternoon a week, so totally not following his daddy there. We seem to have a lot going on in the coming few weeks. We are planning a trip to Stockholm early June to catch up with friends and for me to do some work in our Swedish office. Before then, my string quartet are doing a concert 1st June at the church in our village. Details are on our website, although apparently there are several errors on the site which I need to correct. The rehearsals are going well and we have quite a few others gigs in the diary. More later, hopefully with photos.


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