Friday, May 30, 2008

Pics... lots of them

Well, you know how it is. Nothing for ages then loads at once, at least in terms of photos. Mikaela did these shots some 5-6 weeks ago, but just got the link here. There are none of the four of us because co-ordinating both kids together proved to be too much, at least in terms of getting decent results. She's coming over this Sunday to try again, so when there are some more on the link, we'll post it again. Otherwise, life is just ticking along, with Jennifer eating proper food for England and George becoming more of a little boy by the day and (fingers crossed) coming out from the dark side of the terribel twos. I'm off to Washington this week for a raft of meetings with the great and the good over there, including catching up with a couple of old friends. Then we're off to the Cotswolds after than, which we are all looking forward to, not least because the hotel has great child-care facilities, not to mention spa & gym.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Holiday... and other stuff

Well, no updates for a while... We were off on holiday for a week in Suffolk at the end of April, staying near a place called Nayland. This was billed as Constable country, which I guess is something to do with the well-staffed police force, although I didn't see any around, so I found it a bit mis-leading, to be honest. We were staying on a converted farm with several cottages and our friends Kate, James and little Joe were staying next door. Thus, George had a ready made play-mate next door, which made life a bit easier. Also mid-leading was the farm bit, given that they had 2 token pigs in the corner of 1 field. The first night (Friday, unfortunately) was spent down Colchester hospital; just a precautionary thing really as George fell down the stairs at lunchtime and then threw up in the evening, so just had to check the 2 were not related. The rest of the holiday was spent milling around, going to Mersea Island, the kids playing on their bikes, with some swimming and also jumping into the hot-tub, which was next to the pool. We're now back and hopefully set up for a sunnier May. The photo opposite is of Jennifer in a dress knitted by her great grandmother some 38 years ago. She apparently knitted it for me before I was born, taking the chance that I may be a girl. I wasn't, but my mother found it in the roof and it is now getting some use!