Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Little Man

We had some pictures of George done by Mikaela, our friend who has left corporate life to do something a little different. I tried putting them up on a website once, but failed. In the meantime, check out her new website. You may find the little man on page 3 of the portraits section and his parents on page 10.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Wave of Apathy

Day of apathy today, but the first in a long time. Been on a blitz of organisational zeal recently, so getting loads done at work and beyond. After the snow of Sweden, I was in the sunshine of Washington a couple of weeks ago for a day of meetings just after the mid-terms. It was a great day, meeting some top people at the IMF, Fed, Treasury and others. I just got over a bug before I went over (which George was still toying with), which Sharon got just as I got back, so our planned trip to Gloucester was delayed a week (went this weekend instead). Sharon is looking great in all her new clothes after being done over (see below) and apparently I am next (yikes). As for this week, I arranged drinks with some ex-colleagues from MMS for Thursday which has grown to about 25+, so that should be fun. Sharon's sister Alison is coming over on Saturday and then I disappear for the annual dinner in London with the London Old Cryptians Club, of which I am secretary. Then Sunday we are going to do a recording with our quartet in the church in our village. Hopefully we will then put a few clips on the website. Oh, and we had some great pics of Geroge done by our photographer friend... I tried to put them up a week ago, but process failed. I will try again soon, but could be some time as I have a couple of other modifications to do to other websites which have to take priority. Not enough hours in the days at present, but remarkably I am very unstressed about it all.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Snow joke

It was with a little schadenfreude that I witnessed Sweden fall to pieces this week as the first snowfall unleashed complete chaos, both in Gothenberg and Stockholm. The train journey between the two normally takes 3 hours, but for me it was six, 2 of which were spent at a standstill. Something fell on the line apparently, but not sure if it was something besides just snow. In Stockholm, several inches fell late afternoon and soon after the roads were ice. People had to walk miles home as the tube and buses came to a halt and many people were stranded at the airport all night as the train and taxis were not running. The roads were literally ice. Anyone would have thought they had never seen snow before.