Monday, January 30, 2006

Guilty until proven innocent

ISPs work on the above assumption, even when you present strong evidence to the contrary. This is why I spent nearly an hour last night to various departments of BT, until they told me what I already knew and tried to tell them, namely that the reason why my broadband does not work is to do with them, not me. Of course, I get charged at national rates for this as well. Moan over...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


When Sharon asked what we did before George was born, I replied the same as we try and do now, but normally fail at. Of course, not complaining in the least, but the list of things I don't get around to doing is enormous and probably the same for Sharon. Sometimes we start stressing about it, other times we chill. The past week has been more stress. Still, I am happier now than I have ever been, so that brings it all into perspective. Sharon and George have gone to Norfolk overnight tonight to collect our painting bought on our holiday, so looking forward to putting that up in the lounge. An uninterrupted night's sleep awaits.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Back to life and reality

Back from a week on the Norfolk Coast, staying in Wells-next-the-Sea. I love going on holiday this time of year; no crowds. The only downside is that sometimes things are shut you wish were open, so no steam train rides. It was great for me, as I don't really know that part of the country. Lots of the houses are made from pebbles from the sea, which is quite unique to that area. I'm sure it's got a special name. We also purchased our first piece of contemporary art, to fill one of the walls in our lounge. It's a modern seascape by Meg Foster. Apparently, the Bank of England recently purchased 4 of her pieces, so let's hope their art investment is better than their growth forecasts (lame economist joke there). Finally, my string quartet website is up and running. I'm fairly pleased with the look. It's the graphics that take the most time and effort. Next on the list is to do an update for Gordon's site.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Today I will mostly be listening to...

The iPod nano is loaded to the hilt with music (25% of my iTunes, but there is a lot that is either not mine, v. old or not stuff to be listened to on the move). Even though my brother calls them 'Chav Rockers' (whatever that means), "Stars of CCTV" from Hard-Fi is consistently strong throughout. Also, belatedly got the lastest Katie Melua album... she's a talent and I cannot see her fading away at all. Meanwhile, I have broken the back of my string quartet website, although probably still a couple of weeks away from publication.