Monday, June 23, 2008

How to watch TV from your bath....


Family Swim!

Doesn't Jennifer look soooo cute in her cossie! These were taken on our holiday in Suffolk and it was Jennifer's first swim. I rarely seem to find the time to post blogs so I thought it was about time I added something. Have just had a wonderful weekend. Little Sis Alison came over and she and I went to the Sanctuary Spa in Covent Garden and had a great time. It was nice being able to chill out and chat without interruptions!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Back from the Cotswolds

Last week I spent a busy 2 days wandering around Washington, having arrived just when Obama had gained a unassailable lead in the Democratic primaries. It was a hot, then stormy two days of wandering around doing lots of meetings. However, I also had time to catch up with a couple of old friends; Steph who works at the IMF and Robbo who works for the Irish Broadcaster RTE ( I landed back on the Friday and then we were off to the Cotswolds on the Saturday, to spend 3 nights at the lovely Calcot Manor. We booked this place in February, so it was a long wait, but well worth it. With a creche on site and kids high-tea served later in the day, both George and Jennifer enjoyed their time there, as did mummy and daddy. I've posted some pictures here ( At nearly 3 years, George is certainly growing up in so many ways and his genuine affection towards Jennifer is always touching to see. She loves interacting with him and I can see can't wait until she can crawl and talk and take part in things with him. I am now pretty much recovered from falling off my motorbike 5 weeks ago and I am looking to sell it, along with my car, which used to be Sharon's car. Quite what I will buy instead of all that I'm not quite sure. Anyway, looking forward to a weekend at home before going to Gothenberg this coming week for a couple of days. Last time I was there it was all snow, so will be nice to see it in the Swedish summer.