Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Little Baby in Big Bed!


Van Gogh in the making???

This easel was a christmas present from us and nanny and grandad Lemon which we only put together yesterday and George loves it! The chalkboard has been well used already....

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Jennifers Christening

Jennifer was christened this Sunday. We were lucky to have some decent weather, espex`cially after the winds of Saturday. Pauline did a lovely service which was attended by about 40 people. We all headed back to our house afterwards for some drinks and nibbles. I've posted some photos here . George also started school yesterday. He's going 2 mornings a week to a school in a nearby village. They were all in kid gloves mode when he arrived and would only let him stay an hour in case he got upset, despite Sharon's protests that he would be fine. In the end, he was quite upset to be leaving just at playtime was starting. He's now looking forward to going again tomorrow and spending some more time there.