Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Little champ!

George is a real little boy now. His speech is coming on and he talks non stop. Simon is off sick today with some flu thing and George put this outfit on to cheer daddy up.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jennifer flies, George throws.....

Simon and I took Jennifer on her first flight, to a wedding in Istanbul. Andy is an old schoolfriend of Simon and married Gaye in true Turkish tradition (with some british bits thrown in) and it was a wonderful occasion. Simon took this photo while we sat drinking coffee by the Bosphorous Strait with friends Paul and Sanna.

George was back at home with Gillian and the poor lamb was sick all night on Thursday. He has never been so sick in the night before and it was very hard being so far away from him. Luckily he is a hardy little fella and didn't complain at all. He was almost back to his normal jolly self when we returned yesterday lunchtime. We had a lovely day today at the local wildlife park and George was in good form.

Jennifer smiles on camera!

Jennifer has only just started to do proper smiles and I was so pleased when just as I was clicking the camera to take this shot she burst into a huge unexpected smile. It is my favourite shot of the moment and I want to share it with everyone! Jennifer is a little angel. I don't wander around in a hazy lack of sleep like I did after George was born which is great. I am back at the gym and trying to shed quite a few pounds to get back into shape! Really looking forward to Jennifer's christening - we both feel truly blessed to have two such wonderful children.