Friday, June 22, 2007


After a year of trying, our plans for an upstairs extension have been granted! Hurrah.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sunny Greece....finally!

2 days before our planned flight to Greece George came down with Chicken Pox. Although good to get it out of the way while he is young his timing could have been better! Flights were rearranged and we got away a few days late and spent 12 glorious days in Halkidiki (photos here). The resort was perfect, complete with 'babewatch' on the beach (not for Simon's benefit I might add!) but a babysitter who sat and played with children on the beach so the adults can get some rest on the nearby sunloungers. George was not keen on the water this time, we think it stung his spots, but he did have a great time all the same. We loved it so much we are thinking of going back next year...complete with baby no.2 (due just before Christmas!).