Wednesday, June 21, 2006


We are back from what was a fantastic holiday in Barbados. The photos are here. We stayed at The Sandpiper, which won best luxury hotel in Barbados for this year, so we were in good hands. Have to say, the staff and service were all excellent, without being too formal. George was a hit with just about everyone, gaining many girlfriends amoungst the staff and even staff we had never seen before would say "Hello George!". We travelled around a little in the middle of the holiday. Otherwise, we were happy just to relax as much as we could. Simon managed to arrange We've Only Just Begun (Carpenters) for his string quartet in preparation for a wedding in the village this coming weekend. The rehearsal the day after we got back from holiday with the singer was a relief, as there were hardly any mistakes. George got his first pair of proper shoes today ('cruisers'), so walking may not be that far off.

Monday, June 19, 2006

The inevitable

The one thing people would say after passing my motorbike test was that falling off was inevitable. Also inevitable is the slight smugness of proving these doomsters wrong. The last day of May brought this prolonged honeymoon over. Going along the Finchley Road to work I hit an Ocado Van. I was legitimately in the bus lane and he was turning left. The appropriate channels will no doubt apportion blame in time. I gained a badly bruised foot (x-ray confirmed no break) and either a cracked rib or badly bruised rib. Just heard that the bike is a write off, which I am surprised about, but apparently the frame was damaged, so that's it... Not sure what the next step is.