Saturday, May 27, 2006

Easy money...

They don't half show some crap on that video clip show which I never watch any more... You've Been Framed. Anyway, they do give you 250 quid or something (I don't know) for clips, so maybe this one of George at lunch could feature. Not that exciting, but from what I remember, probably good enough. Sorry at 90 degree wrong angle - first time I used video feature on the camera.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me...

Happy Birthday to me! Spent the weekend with sister-in-law & kids whilst brother ran the Copenhangen marathon (new p.b of 2:44:21). Birthday was spent feeding ducks down near Lee Valley, before going to the washed out May Fayre in the village. And yesterday it was a trip to the Paradise Wildlife Park. Didn't realise we had lions and cheetahs 2 miles from our house! On Friday, I did a dash to Gloucester on the bike to go to the memorial service of Michael Holmes who died last week, who was the former head of my school. It was no surprise to see the church packed out and it was a lovely service. I stayed on for an hour afterwards to catch up with quite a few old (well, not that old, but mostly retired) teachers and other friends and it was especially great to meet Kath Heathfield again, after nearly 15 years. A lot has happened to both of us in that time, but let not that stand in the way of keeping in touch and remaining friends.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Early thirties countdown

Well, just 2 more days of early 30s... then I guess I will have to call myself mid-thirties from Sunday. Occasional Strings did their first wedding reception at Deal castle last weekend, which went well. We have a gig when I am on holiday and then roughly a gig a month up to October, which is just the pace I like. Off to the memorial service for the former head of my school this afternoon and then sis-in-law + kids are staying this weekend whilst the mad brother runs the Copenhagen marathon.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

From ordinary to outstanding

After a relatively uneventful day, there were 2 things that happened to me yesterday that put a huge smile on my face. The first was turning onto the entry slip-road at J23 of the M25 and after all the traffic of the commute up to then, it was empty and unusually, so was the M25. The thrill of exiting a bend and accelerating from 30 to 85 in under 5 seconds is a huge rush. The other was getting home to see that George had somehow moved from commado style crawling to the proper 'on all fours' style. Sharon was on the phone so had not told me he'd finally cracked it, so another huge smile.

Monday, May 08, 2006

No running but..

Plenty else to keep one busy now that the marathon has been and gone (1500.20 raised). Wedding gig with the quartet approaches this weekend, with quite a few other gigs also in the pipeline. The builders are coming to build base for shed at the end of the garden (at last we can move a lot of clutter) and also to dig some holes to see whether the house will fall down if we build another story at the back. I've gone down a notch on my belts, so going to the gym for now to ensure that remains the case.