Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Back from Holland

We're now back from a long weekend in The Hague staying with the Bjarkedal family (photos here). We travelled over with the car from Harwich on the HSS Discovery, which is a huge catermaran that can hoof along at 70 kph. With 3 young children, partying and coffee shops were ruled out, but nevertheless we had an great time. George had loads of new toys to play with, given that their youngest Madoc is 3 months older that George. I went running on Sunday morning (13 miles) and my feet said to me that new trainers were required (they last about 300 miles), so shiny new pair have been acquired.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Dare I say it..

But marathon training going pretty well. Did 17 miles weekend before last and will probably do similar this coming weekend. Just ran the 3 parks (Hyde, St. James's, Green) and knocked 1'10'' from my previous time (down to 47'22''), which was quite surprising. Maybe it's because I ran the course in the opposite direction to normal. Doing Woking 20mile race on April 2nd and will ease back on training from then on ahead of 23 April race.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

No escape now...

The first public concert given by Occasional Strings is approaching fast (more details here). We spent most of Sunday practising and it appears we are more heading for success than disaster, so a bit of fine tuning between now and Sunday is all that should be needed. Don't have a clue how many people are going to turn up.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Black and Furry

I saw a wild black rabbit today on my 16.5 mile run. Got me thinking that there could be some sort of community of them in Brookman's Park, which is a rather posh area a few miles from us. Reason being that Letchworth Garden City has black squirrels. I did my motorcycle training there and given I failed my test 4 times, I know every road there is to know in Letchworth. And all the squirrels I saw were black.