Monday, February 20, 2006

Time Poor

As a first-time parent who does takes on a decent share of responsibilities, 'free-time' drops dramatically. This can be frustrating at times, as the things that still need to get done on the domestic front don't decrease. If anything, they increase. I am currently reading Getting Things Done to try and over-come this to some degree. It has already inspried me to create a spreadsheet of projects and related next actions, which sounds unbelievable sad, but does certainly help. And even writing these things down reduces stress to a degree.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Half marathon gone, full concert coming

I did my 7th half marathon over the weekend at Wokingham, trotting round in 1:47:15. This was some way off my time of last year of 1:41:20, but given where I am in my training schedule, it was good enough. The weather was not the best, with the rain not really relenting for the duration of the race. My brother managed to beat his personal best by a few seconds, coming in just over 1:14. I'll be running more than 13 miles every weekend from now until early/mid April. I'm running for Children with Leukaemia and my sponsorship page is here, so any support is much appreciated. I am also rehearsing for concert with my string quartet in March.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

George's Christening

I've put the photos from George's christening here, where it is possible for you to order prints, or if you don't want to go to the hassle, just email me, tell me which one(s) you want and I will order for you, as we will be getting them printed at some point in the near future. We had a great day, even though George was feeling a little off colour. He seems better now, having had a subdued Monday. We have just about finished the left-over food. Never having catered for 25+ people, we really weren't sure how much to make.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

1 collar felt...

Stopped by the police last night... Took a bend a little to fast and veered into the other side of the road slightly. Nothing dangerous, but unfortunately the approaching car was a police car, so it was just a matter of time before they caught up with me. One friendly chat and breath test later I drove off again, with 'producer', which means I have to produce rest of my documents at a police station. I had 1.5 glasses of wine which I finished 2 hours before, so there was some nervousness, even though I knew I was fine.