Thursday, December 29, 2005

Back home

Christmas was spent at my brother's in Swindon. We ended up having a mini-holiday by staying there for 5 days. They have 2 kids, so there was some appreciation of George's fractiousness, although this was largely down to being away from home and being old enough to realise that this was the case. Sharon is going down with one of the many bugs hanging around my bruv's household and George may have picked one up too... the coming day will tell us whether this is the case. I've sorted my new iPod Nano, which should make the winter train journeys a little more bearable. Soon I will work out how to upload photos to this site.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Transition of Simon and Sharon

OK, big changes are afoot at for a number of reasons. Firstly, I decided that blogging is the way forward. Secondly, the current website I have is held together with sticky tape and plaster and needs a re-think. Thirdly, I pay £4 a month to host it, which is a rip-off (£1 of that is currency charge from rip-off merchants Lloyds), so given that I have so much space available on the other sites I host, I will steal some of that for the other stuff that I hope to put around this blog. You can see the latest photos of George here, until my ISP takes them down.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The first of many

Since we got married two years ago and we decided to carry on our website, I have been 'blogging' before I even knew what it was or even that such a turn of phrase existed. However, it has been fairly irregular. As the new year approaches, I've decided to do things properly. So, here's the first post and from here, I hope to incorporate this into our website somehow.