Monday, April 24, 2006


Well, I finished in 4:18:40, which was not quite the plan, but unfortunately that's the way it goes sometimes. In 7 half-marathons, one 20 mile race and 2 full marathons, I have never walked, so it was really a shame that by mile 19, I had to walk because I just had not energy left. Why this was the case I'm not sure. The training went better than for the others and my 2o mile race I ran just under the pace required for a 3:45:00 marathon. I've had a bit of a cold, so that could have been it, but otherwise just has to be one of those things. The other problem you face in London is getting boxed in by people. I wanted to run 8:30 minute miles and could only manage 8:50 for first half of the race. Still, I managed to raise around £1,500 for Children with Leukaemia and that will hopefully make a difference somewhere.


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